Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Intentions

In the Catholic Mass there's a point after the homily but before Communion where everyone prays for the intentions. Basically someone reads a list of things to pray for, like, "For all of the poor in our city," or for the soul of someone who died, and after each one the congregation says, "Lord, hear our prayer."

In my parish, like most, at the end of the list they say, "For the intentions we hold in the silence of our hearts," which is where we silently put in our own prayers. Then they pause for a moment before everyone says, "Lord, hear our prayer."

Now, this is always tricky for me. Some people may have one or two things to pray for, but I come with a list. And it's not frivolous things, either, like praying for the Brewers to win or for me to win a raffle. It's all legit. I have such a large extended family that there's always someone who's sick, struggling, facing surgery or freshly injured. I also have friends in those situations as well, not to mention lots of students who are having a tough time. I want to include them all.

Now, to me, the pause indicates that we're supposed to take that time to think of each of the people we're praying for. And as I said, with my list that takes some time. It's a challenge each week to think of each person before the reader lets everyone say, "Lord, hear our prayer." I often stand with my eyes closed and my face squished up as I think of them as fast as I can. It probably looks like I'm having a migraine or something, but in reality I'm just trying to fit everyone in. I'm sure that God wouldn't refuse to grant my prayer just because I didn't finish with the rest of the congregation, but it still seems good to get everyone in under the wire.

I sometimes wonder if we're just supposed to be still and let God read the needs in our hearts. I'm not sure. That topic was never really covered in Sunday school, and the only thing I learned from my parents was that we should be quiet. I asked Mike what he does, and he said that he feels guilty about asking for anything so he doesn't think of anything at all.

I suppose I'll keep doing what I'm doing because I'm getting quite good at speed praying. Even if it's not quite correct I still mean well, and that probably counts for something.

1 comment:

dykewife said...

something that might save you from premature wrinkles...think of a couple of people who you know are facing the most challenges right now and pray for everyone else separately. or, you could have a mass or two said for them.