Thursday, February 8, 2007

For Better...Forever! - Part II

Even though I found For Better...Forever! to have some creepy parts, there were some good parts too. There were the usual things about how to fight fair, how to keep romance alive, but there were two things that especially stood out in my mind.

The first thing was talking about love languages. I'm sure you've heard of's all about how we express and take in gestures of affection. The three love languages in the book were visual (someone who likes written letters or tokens of someone's love), auditory (someone who wants to hear, "I love you") and tactile (someone who wants to be held). The other place I read about this identified five love languages, but the five seemed to overlap some and it confused me. Having three was more clear-cut. I took the quiz in the book and found out that I'm primarily visual and secondarily tactile, while Mike is primarily tactile. I'm going to try to keep this in mind when I pick out the last piece of his Valentine's Day present.

The other thing I liked was the discussion on Natural Family Planning. NFP is something I'd love to try, but I'm not sure I can. I know that it entails more than just the calendar rhythm method, but I still think that my cycles are too irregular to predict (normal cycles are 28 to 32 days long, and before I was on birth control my cycles were anywhere from 20 to 75 days long). Plus my birth control reduces my cramps and nausea, which was the original reason my doctor put me on it. However, NFP sounds like such a cool thing my body can do so I'd like to try it. I'm going to send away for some more detailed information but I'm not sure I'll ever give it a go. This is a decision that concerns Mike too, and I don't think he's so sure of it yet.

Tomorrow I'll discuss the things in the book that made my temper rise.


dykewife said...

my sister-in-law used the natural method and it worked well until one night when my brother got "happy" and she acquiesed and then 9 months later their youngest daughter, zelie was born. involves not just calendar cycle, but temperature and cervical plug or something like that. it did work well for nearly 6 years though. good luck with it.

bran is very tactile with his love, both in expression and in his need. i'm a whole lot less so, but when we're sitting on the couch together, having his hand on my knee is something that is nearly a necessity. funny how things go.

dpaton said...

Thhe three love styles are interesting. I've read a lot about the 5, and I'm with you on their overlap and confusion. I like the simplification. It's very...pragmatic.