Monday, January 15, 2007

Prison Ministry

I was sitting here trying to remember what the homily was about this week so I could give my impressions of the readings, but man, I just can't remember. I remember it used weddings and marriage as an analogy for his point, but what the point was...I...don't know. Crap. I felt even worse when I realized that the homily I listened to was just yesterday morning. Usually they stick with me longer.

But one thing that did stick with me is that after church next week they'll be talking about a program they're developing for a prison minsitry! Eeee!

Ahem. Perhaps I shouldn't make that noise if I'm really interested in going into prisons.

I used to want to work in the prison system, but now I'm not so sure that I could. After working in the educational system I've found that's difficult enough. Working in the prisons, well, I'm not so sure I'm up to it. But there's a huge difference in being employed by a system 40 hours a week and volunteering in a system one or two hours.

Apparently they aren't recruiting people yet, since it's a fledgling program, but they are having an informational session next Sunday about what they've got so far. And I know that while Mike will absolutely not accompany me into any jails, he will accompany me to this info session because they have donuts.

I'm pretty excited.

1 comment:

dykewife said...

when i was a kid, one of the priests would use the saturday colour comics as part of his homily. it made sitting through church just interesting enough that i didn't totally resent going.