Monday, December 25, 2006

And so it begins...

This past Advent marked the one-year anniversary of my beginning to practice Catholicism once again. Or, I should say, going back to church...I never considered myself to be a non-practicing Catholic, but my experiences over the past year have made me realize exactly how far I'd wandered off.

This has not been a transition that's been without emotion or difficulty for me. And when something is difficult I find it pretty helpful to blog or write about it. Over the past year I've noticed several times that I started to blog about something religious and either wound up modifying it to lighten the religious content, posting it but feeling pretty uncomfortable about it, or just deleting the entry entirely. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's because I know that non-Catholics, non-Christians, and athiests read my blog and I'm afraid of offending them. Perhaps it's because most of the people I've known who have spoken frequently and at length about their religion were people who were doing so to show me how my religion was so wrong. Or maybe it's something else entirely.

I do know two things though...that I want to work through my thoughts about the Catholic Church, but I can't do so with my regular blog. So I'm starting a new blog called Gaining My Religion* where it'll be all Catholic, all the time. I'll post this entry both in GMR and my regular blog.


* Oh no, I've said too much! I haven't said enough.

1 comment:

Kevin - "pax tecum" said...

Welcome back. I think many people at times in their lives find themselves a little distant from the Church. What matters is that we are open to the Holy Spirit in our lives and allow it to guide us back home. I pray that you will continue to practice your Faith and best wishes.